Trinity believes in the basic doctrines that historically unite all Christians as they are expressed in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds:
The Trinity
There is one almighty God who exists in three persons simultaneously and eternally. These three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are each fully God and are to be worshipped as the one and only God. He is holy, loving, wise, patient, righteous, just, truthful, merciful, compassionate and good.
Creation and Fall
This one God in three persons, made everything that exists in the material and spiritual universes. All human beings, both male and female, are made in his image giving us worth, value and purpose. We are made to imitate his holy character. Humanity failed in this task by sinning against God and fell under God’s judgement, along with all creation.
The Incarnation
The eternal Son of God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ. This was accomplished through a miracle of the Holy Spirit, who placed Jesus in the womb of a virgin named Mary who gave birth to him. Jesus was and is both fully God and fully man. God the Son came to earth to bring us forgiveness for our sins and deliverance from death.
The Cross and Resurrection
Jesus suffered and died on the cross at the hands of the Roman Empire and was buried in a tomb. While his death from a human viewpoint was unjust as Jesus was without sin and had done nothing wrong, in God’s plan he was dying in the place of sinners, taking their sin upon himself to pay the penalty for their sins that they might be forgiven. On the third day after his death, he rose from the dead, both body and soul, conquering death.
The Ascension and Second Coming
Jesus ascended into heaven where he was seated at the right hand of God the Father. From there, he governs heaven and earth. He will return in glory from heaven to raise the dead and to sit in judgment of all humanity. He will give his people glorious and everlasting life and will renew all of creation. His kingdom will never end. God promised in the Old Testament Scriptures that this work of salvation, from the incarnation to the 2nd Coming, would take place.
The Holy Spirit and the Scriptures
God the Holy Spirit spoke through the writers of Scripture so that their words are truly God’s Word. The Holy Spirit brings us to life spiritually, giving us eternal life. He cleanses us from our sin and unites us to Christ and to his body, the church.
The Church
People from every place and time, who believe in Jesus, belong to the church. This common fellowship that believers have with one another in Jesus Christ, transcends and takes precedence over all other social identities they might have. The church’s foundation is the teaching given to us by Jesus' Apostles in Scripture. The church’s goal is to imitate the holy love of God in its character and life.
Trinity is an Evangelical Protestant Church and follows this tradition in the following:
The Primacy of the Bible
The Bible is God’s Word, and thus is totally true as God himself is truth. It is the supreme authority for what we believe and how we live individually and as a church. The Bible is to be central in the Christian life, nurturing and strengthening our faith as we interact with God in it. Our worship of God is to be based upon and guided by the Scriptures.
The Centrality of Christ
Jesus is God’s clearest revelation of who he is. All of Scripture--Genesis to Revelation--is about Jesus and therefore, must be interpreted through his life, his teaching, and his saving work. Christ is to be central in the preaching, worship, and life of the church. Christian living must be patterned after the life of Christ and be empowered by his death and resurrection.
Salvation by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ Alone
All people have sinned against God and are under his wrath and curse as the just punishment for our rebellion against his reign. We are unable to regain his favor by our efforts, but we can be reconciled to God because of the work of Jesus on our behalf. His death on the cross is the only thing that can cleanse us of our sin and restore our relationship with God. We receive this restoration as a free gift of God’s grace when we personally believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, trusting in him alone for forgiveness. This message of salvation is called the gospel —the good news.
Evangelism and Missions
God calls us to share his gospel with all humanity. We start with those in our community, but we are also to send missionaries to all the peoples of the earth. As we share the gospel, God’s kingdom spreads throughout the world. His kingdom grows and represents God’s diverse and universal reign.
Trinity is a Presbyterian Church within the Reformed theological tradition. Presbyterian and Reformed beliefs include:
The Sovereignty of God
God wisely governs all the universe according to his good and wise plan. This includes our individual human lives. His gracious sovereign choice is the ultimate source of our salvation.
The Holy Spirit and Christian Growth
The Holy Spirit lives inside each Christian. He unites each person spiritually to God and other Christians. The Spirit works to transform us so that our lives increasingly reflect the beauty, holiness, and character of God. Spiritual growth is a gradual process that takes place throughout our lives and involves conflict with our sinful nature.
Security in God’s Grace
Those whom the Father has chosen, whom the Son has died for, whom the Spirit has indwelt, will certainly be saved for all eternity. True believers will persevere in faith, being preserved by God, until they are glorified in the blessedness of heaven forever.
Church Governed by Elders
Local churches are to be governed by a group of elders. Local churches are bound together in regional (presbyteries) and national (general assembly) church councils. Deacons assist the elders by managing the material matters of the church so that the elders can focus on spiritual leadership.
Covenant Baptism
Children of believers are to be baptized to bind them spiritually into their family and church. Baptism is God's promise to save them if they respond to him by faith. Through the nurture of their family and church, they are exposed to the gospel and called to respond in faith to what their baptism represents: the washing away of our sins in Jesus Christ.
Christ Present in the Lord’s Supper
Christ is not physically present in the Supper, but he is spiritually present to all who will receive the Supper in faith. The Supper is a covenant renewal ceremony. In it God assures the believer of his or her salvation, and the believer renews his or her commitment to Christ. In the Supper, the believer responds to the gospel as it is displayed visually.